Choreographer : Robin and Bob Young, 409 N 19th St., Boise, ID 83702
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Rhythm : Slow Two-Step     RAL Phase : IV
Music : John Lennon, "Imagine"
Sequence :   Intro - A - A - B - A - B - End
1 Wait; 1. In Bk to Bk position, trail foot hooked behind lead foot, wait;
2 Unwind to Bfly; 2. Both unwind on trail foot to face in Bfly position M facing wall;
3 1/2 Basic; 3. Sd L,-,XRIB, Recover L;(Sd R,-,XLIB,Rec R;)
4 BasicEnding/Pick up to CP/LOD; 4. Sd & Bk R turning body to LOD,-,XLIB, Rec R to CP/LOD;
(Sd & Fwd L turning toward Ptnr,-, fwd R twd ptnr, Rec L);
1 4 Traveling Chasses LOD;;;; 1. fwd L trng LF DLC with R shoulder lead, -,sd R, cl L;
(Bk diag R,-,sd L, cl R;)
2 2. fwd R trng RF DLW with L shoulder lead, -, sd L cl R;
3 3. [Repeat measure 1;]
4 4. Repeat measure 2
5 Left Turn w/inside Roll; 5. fwd L,-,sd R, XLIF (Bk R turning left, -, sd L trn undr, sd fc);
6 Basic Ending; 6. sd R ,-, XLIB, rec R;
7 Left Turn w/inside Roll; 7 & 8. Repeat measures 5 & 6;;
8 Basic Ending;
9 2 Switches;; 9. fwd and sd L XIF of W, -, bk and sd R, fwd L;
10 10.fwd R, -, fwd L, fwd R [W XIF of M];
11 Lunge Basics;; 11.  sd L,-,rec R, Left steps thru = XLIF;
12 12. sd R,-,rec L,Right steps thru = XRIF;
blending to pick-up
1 Triple Traveler w/basic ending;;;; 1.fwd L start L fc body turn to lead W to M's L sd
raising lead hnds to start W into L trn, -,  fwd R,  fwd L; 
2 2. fwd R spiral L fc under joined hnds, -,  fwd L,  fwd R;
3 3. fwd L bring joined hnds dwn & bk in a circular motion to
lead W into R trn, -, fwd and sd R to fc partnr, XLIFR;
4 4. sd R, -, XLIB, rec R;
5 Under Arm Turn; 5. sd L,-,XRIB, rec L; (W sd R beg RF trn under lead hand,-,
fwd L,fwd R ; 6- fwd L to his R side,-,fwd R,L; walking around man)
6 Lariat ; 6. Step in place R ,-, L, R;
7 Man turns to face Wall; 7  Fwd L turning L fc,-, R, L to fce ptnr CP/W(W-walk R,-,L,R;to CP)
8 Basic Ending;  blend toCP/LOD 8. sd R, -, XLIB, rec R; turning L to fc LOD 1'st time; CP/W last time
to CP/W last time for ending Check Sequence: Last time through music retards…
End  Sway [Left and Hold]  Lean L - face turned towards Wall - eyes closed