Restaurant Name Ambiance Food Presentation Food Quality Service Cost Overall Rating
Jim's Coffee Shop
812 Fort Street
(208) 343-0154
Open seven days a week. "Breakfast will not be served after 11:30am except for Saturday and Sunday"
Such a "neat" place, but small. A real "country" atmosphere in the heart of a city where everybody knows your name. (Seems I've heard that before) There's nothing fancy about the Coffee Shop - just a good "down home" type meal.
On the menu under Low Calorie Diet, are such offerings as: Breakfast - Weak Tea; Lunch - One Bouillon Cube in One-Half Cup of Diluted Water; Dinner - One Pigeon Thigh, Three Ounces Prune Juice (gargle only) You get the idea.
I love it when you say to the waitress, "A number 1, please, with steak." A complete range of menu items from breakfast to dinners, but I would venture to say that their best offering is breakfast. Menu items include a wide range of breakfast, lunch and dinner plates served in a "country home" style. The breakfast plates are large and good. The service personel are friendly and at times funny. They treat you like you are at home. They are not overbearing, but are there to help you. Breakfast prices range from $1.80 to $6.25. Lunches range from $2.40 to $5.15 and dinners range from $6.15 to $10.45. There is a full range of beverages, salads and fountain items.   
Yes, I would take friends and relatives to Jim's Coffee Shop. You should too, for a relaxing meal, especially breakfast. Who knows who you will meet there.
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